Monday, March 9, 2009

Child-Like Faith

Tonight my son and I were laying in bed. Mommy's working so it's just the 2 of us. I was reading out of his Boy's Bible about "Dirty Coats, Palm Branches and Noisy Rocks" from Luke 19:28-40. It was a fun, loose translation of the origional, but geared for a little boy.

He had me repeat the title until he could say it and then said that it didn't make sense. I agreed, but mentioned that it was just the title and that it sounded pretty cool didn't it. He agreed.

We went through the story and at the end discussed the meaning, in a simple 5 year old way that we praise God in everything we do.

Tonight he wanted desert because he was good today. He got a little. Then tonight, I explained that when he was good today it was a way of praising God. He gave me a big hug and fell asleep.

Wow, to live so simply.To receive truth so readily. To be able to not be distracted by the cares of the world or the temptations that surround us all.

Yesterday I made a decision to spend time from 11 PM to 12 Am with God. Guess what. I forgot and didn't start until about 11:45. Amazing. Forgive me God!!

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